Jun 13th
Time flew by so fast this week. Someone told me that it really does flow by once you are a leader, and it is so true! We are always so busy either doing exchanges or talking with the district leaders in ways we can help or whatever it may be.
This week, we had two different exchanges. One with the Annaville sisters and one with sisters that live in Beeville (they live about an hour or so away). It was pretty scary not really knowing how to get to our halfway meeting spot, but I think now I can manage my way around Cinton, Corpus, McAllen, a little of Mission, and Harlingen. All I need is Brownsville and Laredo! Crazy! It's really fun driving on the 75 mph freeways too! Anyway, the first exchange I was on was with Sister Peyro in my old area of Annaville! She has really curly hair and she is from California too! A fun thing we did together was make up stories to describe a place. For example, I had Kauai, so I said, "I first started my journey in KANSAS and brought ONE pineapple and FIVE bananas. Then after walking a little, we found ONE arangatang that stole THREE of the bananas." Stuff like that. The vowels are numbered 1-5 and the consonants are just starting with the letter. Then, on Saturday, I was with Sister Tupou from California too! She is Tongan, and it was so funny because every person that we talked with she said, "I love you!" No matter what. It was pretty embarrassing, but pretty funny too :).
Also, this week, we had a big zone conference. It was the last time that we are going to see President Maluenda, so that is pretty sad, but at least we got to hug him again! :) We were there at the church for a long time though! The meeting lasted from 8:30 in the morning to 5 PM. It was pretty cool to hear President and Sister Maluenda's dying testimony. The biggest thing I learned though was that so many things on the mission do prepare you for the rest of your life. For example, before the mission, I thought I was always busy, but now I am learning to be more efficient. Like for example, now I can wash a car in 10-15 minutes and shower in less than 5 minutes. Something else that I really liked about the week was that Sister Stanfill and I just worked so hard! We had so many appointments set and so many service opportunities or whatever it may be. We only got one dinner appointment, but that couldn't get us down! I think for the first time this week I couldn't finish all that they offered me. One thing that they gave us was like a sugar free chocolate and avocado moose thing. So nasty! Haha. All the missionaries were there too, and we all were trying to pass it off to the next one. I don't think they noticed though, which is good.
A couple miracles this week that happened were that we were finally able to have a lesson with a recent convert family. We have had a really hard time contacting them, but turns out that they are just feeling sick. Also, whenever their niece comes over she goes to church, so we are trying to get her baptized but it is a little hard right now to get her mom's permission. Hopefully she will have a change of heart. Also, another miracle is that we keep seeing these returned missionaries that have a job of going door to door selling pest control. They always give us super good referrals! It's awesome! :)
Oh! I almost forgot! Last P-day I got to play a real tennis match with a pretty good high school player. It was so fun! I still got it too and won 3-0 :)
Anyway, I hope you all have a great week. Love you!
Sister Findlay
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