Michelle got baptized this week!!! We were so excited for her, and next week her daughter is getting baptized. Sister Eggett and I were super happy. Also, one of the ward members had a towel for her, which she forgot, so that was a blessing in and of itself.
One thing that we did that was really fun this week was help Pedro, a recent convert who only speaks Spanish, mow his lawn. He is so funny, and it turns out he also got a goat this week. When we went over there, we asked if we could name him, so we named him Guillermo. I was so happy to ride a bike in jeans over to his house! Also, he bought us Mexican food for lunch.
I have a new favorite sport now! It's called soccer tennis. A less active member got all the missionaries together and taught us how to play it. It's kind of like volleyball, juggling in soccer, and tennis all together. It's kind of hard to explain the rules, but I really want to start up a club or something at BYU with that sport.
On Thursday this week, we were biking down the street, and this little dachshund was chasing after us, growling. So, we sped up really fast, and I was only looking at the dog, but when I looked up, I see Sister Eggett turning the corner, so I tried braking really fast to turn, but then I fell, and my arms were all scraped and bleeding, but I am lucky to just have those. It could have been way worse.
Also, this week in Texas, it feels like I have stepped into Bug's Life. I probably killed 8 bugs over the course of about 12 hours. Haha it's crazy.
This week we also had a crazy thunder storm. I woke up at 1 AM and it was lightning nonstop...definitely the scariest storm I have been in.
This week we also had a really good zone conference. The APs were talking about how out of the five mission pillars (love, obedience, hard work, animo (excitement, don't know word in English), good attitude) we need to work on love. That's really what it's all about.
Love you,
Sister Findlay
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St. Patrick's Day |
Did you make your own torillas?