Favorite girls in the ward. They call me Sister Friendly. |
Well, I found out last week that I will be leaving Edinburg after being here for six months. I am going to have to get rid of a lot of stuff that I have accumulated here. I haven't even started to pack haha. I am excited to go to a new area, but at the same time, will be sad to leave one of my favorite companions. I will keep you updated next week what my new area is.
Also, today, for p-day, I got to play tennis. I was at first just playing with my companion and roommates, but then this dad and son came. He was actually pretty good, so I got to hit the ball around with him.
As far as the work goes, it has been a little hard because we haven't been able to find a lot of solid people. We thought we did find someone cool named Martha, but she said that she was sick of us calling her all the time...whoops. The husband of a member came to church, though, so that was exciting!
Love you all!!
I took a lot of pictures this week, so I will just summarize my pictures for my email today.
Beautiful sunset. We parked in the bike lane with the flashers on and a really sweet guy asked if we needed any help.
Sister Adams and I found a stray dog on our exchange and then he just followed us everywhere.
Held a chicken at the Harding's (the family with the girls Lexi and Chelsey)
Sister Castro taught me how to LONGBOARD!! Sooo fun!! We went to a really pretty park for P-day last week and biked/longboarded.
Also, this week, we saw a broadcast for all the missionaries and we got some pretty exciting news. There are a lot less goals that we need to keep track of so we can just focus on the people instead of the numbers. It's awesome! Also, they gave us some more freedom as far as what times to eat lunch and study and stuff like that. I am really excited for these new changes.
Also, I got to teach seminary again! So fun!